Full Stack Foundations
Learn multiple coding languages with Treehouse and establish a foundation for becoming a professional developer!
When you are done with this Track, you’ll be a polyglot, a person who uses multiple languages. That is a big accomplishment, and a title that you can hold with pride. Not only is it going to be exciting and rewarding, it’s also a whole lot of fun.
The best news, you don't have to go it alone. We provide the curriculum and community to help you along the way. By the end of this track, you’ll be prepared to tackle any challenge you may come across in your programming journey.
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5 minInstruction
Why Start with a Full Stack Foundations Track
We believe in lifelong learning. The ability to learn is perhaps the most crucial skill required for the modern software developer. This track has been designed to ignite your inner lifelong learner. You’re going to program in multiple languages. When you are done with this track, you’ll be a polyglot, a person who uses multiple languages. That is a big accomplishment and a title that you can hold with pride. Not only is it going to be exciting and rewarding, but it’s also a whole lot of fun....(continue reading)
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Introduction to HTML and CSS
Get started creating web pages with HTML and CSS, the basic building blocks of web development. HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is a standard set of tags you will use to tell the web browser how the content of your web pages and applications are structured. Use CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, to select HTML tags and tell the browser what your content should look like. Whether you are coding for fun or planning to start a career in web development, learning HTML and CSS is a great place to start.
4 minInstruction
Build a Learning Mindset
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35 minWorkshop
Debugging CSS with Chrome DevTools
In this workshop, we'll explore the most useful and efficient tool for debugging CSS: Chrome Developer Tools.
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5 minInstruction
Why Learn Python
Python is a wonderful language to learn!...(continue reading)
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Python Basics
Learn the building blocks of the wonderful general purpose programming language Python.
1 minInstruction
Three Ways to Build a Habit of Learning
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Introducing Tuples
Learn about a Python data structure that's similar to lists but with one key difference!
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Functions, Packing, and Unpacking
Learn the ins and outs of Python functions, how to send and receive values to functions, and all about Python packing and unpacking.
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Python Sequences
Discover several types of Python sequences, many ways of sequence iterations, and all of the common sequence operations.
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Introducing Dictionaries
Another useful Python data structure is the dictionary. Learn how to write one and use one in your day-to-day Python code.
5 minInstruction
Why Learn JavaScript as a Second Language?
It's virtually impossible to avoid learning multiple languages. The ability to learn a new language is one of the most valuable skills that a developer can have....(continue reading)
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The Landscape of JavaScript
JavaScript is everywhere and used in all phases of development from software to hardware. This course walks you through the modern landscape of JavaScript, and what it means to learn and program with JavaScript now and beyond.
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JavaScript Quickstart
Get up to speed with the basics of JavaScript. In this course, you'll learn the fundamental concepts and syntax of the JavaScript programming language.
3 minInstruction
JavaScript Electives
If you would like more help with understanding JavaScript, we have several courses and practice session to help you on your journey....(continue reading)
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3 minInstruction
What is Imposter Syndrome?
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1 minInstruction
JavaScript in the Browser
How JavaScript is used in a browser...(continue reading)
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10 minInstruction
Learn Like an Expert
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DOM Scripting By Example
Use JavaScript to build an RSVP web application. Many of the features you'll build are common to other web applications. When you're done programing the app, you'll have the basics you will need to build any client-side web app.
39 minWorkshop
Debugging JavaScript in the Browser
JavaScript programs are mysterious and hidden realms where magic happens. This can be delightful when everything is working. During development, though, things often won't work so well, and understanding why can be hard. You need a way to dispell the fog and see everything clearly. In this workshop we'll learn how to use a tool that professionals rely on to get crucial insights into their JavaScript programs: Chrome's Developer Tools (DevTools). With DevTools, you can get amazing access to the inner workings of your program while it runs, controlling how it executes with fine-grained control. This means that once you learn the DevTools arts, you can find and fix problems in a snap! Prerequisite Course For best results, we recommend first taking the following course: * DOM Scripting By Example (https://teamtreehouse.com/library/dom-scripting-by-example)
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1 minInstruction
Python on the Web
You can use Python to generate web pages......(continue reading)
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Object-Oriented Python
Sometimes simple scripts with functions in them just aren't enough. Eventually you'll need logical models of your work and that'll lead you to creating custom classes in Python. Object-oriented programming is a large topic. It provides us some amazing tools, though, so it's one of the most beneficial things to learn about in Python. First, you'll learn how to build basic custom classes. Then, you'll expand them through inheritance. And for some extra power, you'll also learn how to take control of Python's built-in classes to make your own more powerful while doing less work. Finally, we'll put everything together into a fun game utility.
5 minInstruction
Focus Your Mind, Improve Your Learning
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HTTP Basics
During this course, we'll look at the underlying method devices use to communicate with each other: HTTP or the HyperText Transfer Protocol. In particular, we'll focus on how a modern web browser automates the sending of HTTP requests and the receiving of HTTP responses.
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Flask Basics
Flask is one of the easiest ways to bring your Python skills online. It's a great microframework used by thousands of people to create prototypes and small web apps.
5 minInstruction
Why an API?
API's help share your code....(continue reading)
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2 minInstruction
Food Truck Gameshow
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Using Databases in Python
When you want to store data from a program, you have two general choices: files or databases. In this course, we're going to explore using a database from within Python by using the excellent ORM Peewee. We'll build a command line diary application that stores our thoughts and notes in a SQLite database, lets us review and delete them, and even has a search feature!
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Introduction to REST APIs
Many of the APIs you'll encounter on the Web use an underlying design idea known as REST, which stands for Representational State Transfer. Understanding what and how a REST API provides will help you build better and stronger APIs for your users.
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Building an API with Flask can be pretty simple but you'll often end up with a large amount of code in just one or two files. In other words, it can be messy! But with a few simple tools like Flask-RESTFul, Flask-Limiter, and Flask-HTTPAuth, you can build a clean, well-organized, and strong API with this great, lightweight Python framework.
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AJAX Basics
AJAX is an important front-end web technology that lets JavaScript communicate with a web server. It lets you load new content without leaving the current page, creating a better, faster experience for your website's visitors. In this course, you'll learn how AJAX works and how you can use JavaScript to communicate with a web server. We'll use plain JavaScript to create AJAX requests and use the response to dynamically update your web pages. Along the way, you'll build mini-projects to reinforce your learning.
1 minInstruction
JavaScript Client
You'll learn how to use JavaScript to consume a REST API and you'll learn about Vue.js, a popular front end framework that's used to create JavaScript-based client applications. Learning these skills will prepare you for your final task in this track: creating a full stack application. ...(continue reading)
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3 minInstruction
Be a Lifelong Learner
Lifelong learners recognize that learning just doesn't happen in school or at work—it's an ongoing process that can happen anytime, anywhere. In this video, learn what it means to be a lifelong learner as a software developer....(continue reading)
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44 minWorkshop
Working with the Fetch API
Learn how to use the Fetch API to fetch resources.
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Vue.js Basics
Vue.js is a front end JavaScript framework with a gentle learning curve. Vue’s lower barrier to entry, ease of use and fantastic documentation make it a fun and accessible technology. In this course, you’ll learn fundamental concepts that will help you get up and running with Vue. You’ll also gain skills and foundational knowledge that will help prepare you to tackle the complexities of other frameworks.
5 minInstruction
Fetching Data with Vue
Each Vue instance runs a series of functions known as _lifecycle hooks_. These functions are called at specific times during the lifecycle of a Vue instance, such as when your Vue instance is created, inserted into the DOM, updated, or removed from the DOM. You can add your own code to these functions to ensure that the code runs at specific times. ...(continue reading)
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1 minInstruction
Full Stack Foundations Final Project
It's time to put together everything you've learned to create your own blog. You’ve created all these pieces before, so I know you can do it. A blog is a great project because it builds upon the foundational purpose of the internet: to facilitate communication and share knowledge. A blog is also a straightforward way to practice CRUD while offering the flexibility to expand what and how that information is shared. ...(continue reading)
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Track Completion
This course includes:
- Why Start with a Full Stack Foundations Track 5 min
- Introduction to HTML and CSS 2 hours
- Build a Learning Mindset 4 min
- Debugging CSS with Chrome DevTools 35 min
- Why Learn Python 5 min
- Python Basics 3 hours
- Three Ways to Build a Habit of Learning 1 min
- Introducing Tuples 13 min
- Functions, Packing, and Unpacking 65 min
- Python Sequences 65 min
- Introducing Dictionaries 36 min
- Why Learn JavaScript as a Second Language? 5 min
- The Landscape of JavaScript 45 min
- JavaScript Quickstart 97 min
- JavaScript Electives 3 min
- What is Imposter Syndrome? 3 min
- JavaScript in the Browser 1 min
- Learn Like an Expert 10 min
- DOM Scripting By Example 114 min
- Debugging JavaScript in the Browser 39 min
- Python on the Web 1 min
- Object-Oriented Python 3 hours
- Focus Your Mind, Improve Your Learning 5 min
- HTTP Basics 67 min
- Flask Basics 3 hours
- Why an API? 5 min
- Food Truck Gameshow 2 min
- Using Databases in Python 118 min
- Introduction to REST APIs 30 min
- Flask REST API 2 hours
- AJAX Basics 2 hours
- JavaScript Client 1 min
- Be a Lifelong Learner 3 min
- Working with the Fetch API 44 min
- Vue.js Basics 2 hours
- Fetching Data with Vue 5 min
- Full Stack Foundations Final Project 1 min