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- All Topics
- • AI
- • JavaScript
- • React
- • No Code
- • Python
- • Design
- • HTML
- • CSS
- • Game Development
- • Data Analysis
- • Development Tools
- • Databases
- • Security
- • Digital Literacy
- • Swift
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- • Machine Learning
- • APIs
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- • Computer Science
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- • Coding for Kids
Development Tools
Uncover the common tools used in software and web development. Whether you're writing code, organizing code or communicating with servers, these courses will introduce you to many of the tools that make development much easier and more powerful.
9 minWorkshop
Git and GitHub Workflow for Developers
Learn how to create a local git repository and seamlessly connect it to a GitHub repository using the terminal.
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13 minWorkshop
Hosting a Website with GitHub Pages
GitHub provides a simple hosting solution called GitHub pages that lets others view your repository like any other website. Learn how to host your website, for free, on GitHub Pages.
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2 minWorkshop
How To Clone a Repository From GitHub Using Your Terminal
Just set up a new repository on GitHub? Checking out someone elseβs work? Want to contribute to another project? The first step is getting that repository downloaded to your machine. There are a few ways to do this. Using your terminal is, in my opinion, one of the easiest and quickest ways. Letβs walk through how to do this.
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30 minWorkshop
Automate Your Work with Zapier
Zapier automates repetitive, easily replicated tasks in your day by connecting the tools and software you use every day. Learn the essential features of Zapier, what automation is and how it can make your workflows even more powerful. You'll even get to create an automated workflow to help make the most of your learning time.
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14 hoursConference
Treehouse Festival June 2021
Treehouse Festival is an online conference designed for Treehouse students and all aspiring developers and designers. The presentations will empower those that attend with skills and a network to transition to a tech career or level-up in their current roles. Sessions include βDesigning with a Developer Mindset,β βComputer Science, Emulation, and the NES,β βInterview with a Treehouse Gradβ, and more!
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32 minWorkshop
Introducing Coda
Get started with the basics of Coda! Coda reinvented how we create, share, and work with documents by combining the ease and familiarity of the document and spreadsheet software we're used to with the power, ease, and accessibility of apps. You'll learn how Coda can empower you to make documents that are as powerful as apps, then create and publish a simple Coda doc from scratch.
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24 minWorkshop
Learning with Coda
In this workshop, you'll learn how to use Coda as a tool for learning, note-taking, time management, and more by customizing a workbook doc we've built in Coda to best fit your learning needs.
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20 minWorkshop
Introduction to New Relic
Learn what New Relic is and how its platform can support you in your learning and professional journey by building better and more reliable websites and applications.
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12 hoursConference
Treehouse Festival December 2020
Treehouse Festival is an online conference designed for Treehouse students and all aspiring developers and designers. The presentations will empower those that attend with skills and a network to transition to a tech career or level-up in their current roles. Sessions include βDesigning with a Developer Mindset,β βComputer Science, Emulation, and the NES,β βInterview with a Treehouse Gradβ, and more!
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12 hoursConference
Treehouse Festival July 2020
Treehouse Festival 2020
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8 minWorkshop
Understanding MVC
Learn the concepts behind the MVC -- Model, View, Controller -- programming pattern and how it can help you build web applications more efficiently and reliably.
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22 minWorkshop
Introducing the VS Code Text Editor
Text editors provide important tools that help developers write code. Get a feel for text editors and what they do by learning the basics of Visual Studio Code, a popular text editor with many tools and shortcuts to help to speed up development and make building websites and applications faster and easier.
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Continuous Integration with Jenkins
Jenkins is a continuous integration server. Integration tests take all the code and other components of your application and integrate it together, then test it to ensure it's working properly. Jenkins can watch repos for version control software like Git or Subversion. When there's a new commit, Jenkins will check it out automatically. It will run your tests, and report the result. It can even be configured to automatically deploy your software to production if all the tests pass. This course is going to show you all the basics of using Jenkins.
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Introduction to Regular Expressions
Regular Expressions are like having a secret code for telling a computer exactly what you want. Regex, as it's often referred to, is a text string for describing a search pattern. You can think of it as a supercharged version of a find tool. In this course, we'll explore what regular expressions are, and get some practice using them.
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Introduction to the Terminal
Apps for ordinary users use GUIs you control with a mouse or touchscreen. But developers know the most powerful way to interact with computers is by using text in the terminal. This course will set you on the path to terminal mastery!
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Git Branches and Merging
This course introduces the concept of branches in Git and shows practical uses for managing both local development and collaborative workflows.
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Introduction to REST APIs
Many of the APIs you'll encounter on the Web use an underlying design idea known as REST, which stands for Representational State Transfer. Understanding what and how a REST API provides will help you build better and stronger APIs for your users.
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Introduction to Git
Git is a version control system - it helps you manage the different versions of your project files, and helps keep your work safe. This course will show you how Git works, and how to upload your projects to GitHub.
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Introduction to Docker
Docker allows any developer of any language to package an app into a container, like a shipping container. Containers include an app and all the other software it depends on, like databases. Containers let your users easily run your website, app, or service on any operating system they want. This course will show you how Docker works, and how it can make it easier to distribute your software!
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AWS with S3
Whether you're building a major web site, backing up vacation photos, or sharing large files with friends, Amazon's Simple Storage Service, S3, will come in handy. In this course, you'll learn the basics of setting up S3, creating buckets, and controlling file permissions.
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Markdown Basics
Learn the basics of Markdownβa simple, text-to-html tool used to format writing on the Web. It's used to write blogs, forum posts, technical documentation, and more. Whether you're having trouble formatting GitHub README files or want to learn about Markdown in general, this course is a great place to start.
14 minWorkshop
Introducing the Atom Text Editor
Text editors are simple but important tools that let developers write code. They include many helpful features to speed up development and make programming and building web sites faster and easier.
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Front End Web Optimization Workflow
As more people are getting on the web every day, there is a desire for those web sites and apps to load quickly. Most users have become accustomed to better and better performance from their home computers and with more apps moving to the web, that desire for performance is still there. The fact is that slow load times cause user frustration and you lose users and possibly money. In these lessons we're going to exercise some common real-world examples of how you can make a slow web app perform better using common techniques for front-end optimization. By the end, you will have a better understanding about how web apps work, what causes performance issues and how to best address them.
5 hoursBonus Series
The Treehouse Show
The Treehouse Show is our weekly conversation with the Treehouse Community.
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Web Accessibility Compliance
Your content is clear, your images are responsive, your code is clean, and your layout flows beautifully on all the most popular devices. You think you're ready to launch, but you might have overlooked a crucial aspect of your website's development. If it's not easy for a person to access your content, regardless of the way in which they use the internet, there's still work to be done. Developing for accessibility should be part of the standard workflow, but it's often given too little attention. In this course, youβll learn about the standards in place to guide developers in creating a web that is accessible to all users as well as techniques to help bring your projects up to those standards.
25 minWorkshop
App Deployment Accounts
When working on the public server where your users will interact with your app, you need to be careful. If you accidentally alter the wrong setting, service, or file, your app could go down. That's why it's considered best practice for your developer account to have limited access, and to create a separate deployment account with full control over the system. You can use the deployment account to set up your app and deploy new versions, and use your development account for day-to-day maintenance tasks, secure in the knowledge that making a mistake won't break everything.
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18 minWorkshop
Linux Servers on VirtualBox
Today we're going to show you how to set up a Linux server running as a virtual machine on your development system. (If you haven't worked with virtual machines before, think of it as a computer within a computer.) This is a great way to set up a sandbox where you can try out deploying your applications.
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22 minWorkshop
Introducing Progressive Web Apps
Learn a new way of delivering amazing user experiences on the web with Progressive Web Apps (PWAs).
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3 hoursBonus Series
Dev Team Show
The Dev Team Show is a biweekly show released every other Thursday, where Treehouse Teacher James Churchill leads conversations about development with a guest. Each episode covers a single developer-related conversation that you and your team should be talking about.
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37 minWorkshop
Introduction to Design Patterns
Design patterns are a collection of language agnostic solutions to common programming problems. This Workshop is a quick overview that will get you familiar with their origin and how to find and use them.
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HTTP Basics
During this course, we'll look at the underlying method devices use to communicate with each other: HTTP or the HyperText Transfer Protocol. In particular, we'll focus on how a modern web browser automates the sending of HTTP requests and the receiving of HTTP responses.
9 minWorkshop
GitHub in Workspaces
If you're ready to use GitHub for version control, but want to stick with using Workspaces, this workshop quickly shows how to use these two great tools that work well together.
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GitHub Basics
GitHub is a collaboration platform built on top of a distributed version control system called Git and is the best place to share & collaborate on code. In this course, you will learn how to use the key features of GitHub to showcase your coding projects, work with others, and get into Open Source. First, learn how to navigate the site and explore open source software. Then, learn how to host your own personal projects and some best practices for developing code collaboratively. You will also cover how to use GitHub as a professional on a team and how to get started contributing to open source.
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Scrum Basics
These days, just about every software team says they are βAgile.β You will even find many job openings declare familiarity with Agile software development as a prerequisite. What can you do to become familiar with, and knowledgeable in Agile practices so you can hit the ground running with your next team? In this course, we will cover the Scrum model, a commonly-used flavor of Agile which is well known for its clear definition of team membersβ roles and the activities carried out by the team. This course will give you an understanding of Scrum and how it is used by teams in the process of building software.
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MailChimp API
In this course, you will learn how APIs work and how to customize them using the popular MailChimp API.
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Introduction to Front End Performance Optimization
People want to use websites that load quickly, and every second counts. If a website takes more than 3 seconds to load, you can lose 40% of your audience. Every additional second in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions. In these lessons, we're going to take a slow website and make it load faster using front end performance optimization. By the end, you'll know many practical techniques that can speed up any website.
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Website Optimization
In this course we'll cover tools needed in keeping your website in top shape. These tools will help you perform tasks like debugging a problem to improving your page load times.
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