Welcome to the Treehouse Library
This is a sample catalog of all the courses we offer. Browse by topic or difficulty. Sign up today and get access to our entire library. Treehouse students get access to workshops, bonus content, conferences, and more.
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All Topics
- All Topics
- • AI
- • JavaScript
- • React
- • No Code
- • Python
- • Design
- • HTML
- • CSS
- • Game Development
- • Data Analysis
- • Development Tools
- • Databases
- • Security
- • Digital Literacy
- • Swift
- • Java
- • Machine Learning
- • APIs
- • Professional Skills
- • Computer Science
- • Ruby
- • Quality Assurance
- • PHP
- • Go Language
- • Android
- • Learning Resources
- • College Credit
- • Coding for Kids
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C# Basics
C# is the most popular programming language in the Microsoft ecosystem of products. C# code is designed to run fast and to be easily maintainable. In C# Basics, we'll learn how to work with C# to write simple programs.
23 minPractice
Practice Properties in C#
In this practice session, you'll practice creating and using properties in C#.
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19 minPractice
Practice Loops in C#
In this practice session, you'll practice using for and foreach loops in C#.
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31 minPractice
Practice Inheritance in C#
In this practice session, you'll practice using class inheritance in C#.
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25 minPractice
Practice Encapsulation and Arrays in C#
In this practice session, you'll practice encapsulation and arrays in C#.
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18 minPractice
Practice Creating Classes in C#
In this practice session, you'll practice creating classes using C#.
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18 minPractice
Practice Methods in C#
In this practice session, you'll practice adding methods to classes in C#.
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5 hoursBonus Series
The Treehouse Show
The Treehouse Show is our weekly conversation with the Treehouse Community.
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Intermediate C#
This course builds on what we learned in C# Objects. We'll learn more essential principles of object-oriented programming as we improve the Treehouse Defense game.
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C# Objects
In this course we'll build on what you learned in C# Basics. You'll learn about Object Oriented Programming (OOP). We'll use OOP to write the code for a tower defense game. After completing this course, you'll have learned most of the syntax of the C# programming language.
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