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HTML How to Make a Website Creating HTML Content Use the Navigation Element


Hi there, my name is not underlined when I open the page I'm working on in the browser like Nick Pettit's is in the video. Did I do something wrong?

Jean Paiva
Jean Paiva
7,128 Points

Could you show the code? :D

James Barnett
James Barnett
39,199 Points

Kelly Carroll -

It's hard for us to know what's causing the issue you are having if you don't show us your code. For some tips on how to do that, check out the this video for some tips on sharing code on the forum.

2 Answers

Thank you so much, but I discovered a misspelling which is what was causing the problem.

Laura Cressman
Laura Cressman
12,548 Points

Did you change the text-decoration property to none? That could explain it, or it could be your browser preferences.