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Design Introduction to Wireframing How to Make Wireframes in Adobe XD Making Wireframes in Adobe XD

Making a Wireframe in Figma

Is there a Treehouse video available for making a wireframe in Figma? Any recommended videos for making a wireframe in Figma?

2 Answers

Daniel Montgomery
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Daniel Montgomery
Treehouse Staff

Hey there Leila! We only have this prototyping video at the moment, but it overlaps a bit as far as wireframing: https://teamtreehouse.com/library/prototyping-with-figma

There are also these resources I've complied from outside of Treehouse:

Link to an article: https://www.figma.com/blog/how-to-wireframe/

Link to a video summary on how to work in Figma: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbFJWHWChJE

Link to video playlist on each of the Figma features and items in the menus (Full break-down basically): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFW6ct83_wC-2m1zPcJr6NBaH-7WVC87G

Thank you!