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HTML How to Make a Website Creating HTML Content Include External CSS

Roger Dailey
Roger Dailey
14,887 Points

Include External CSS

My normalize.css file is not the same as what is on the video. I used the one on the forum because the one that I tried to download from the video only had a couple of lines in it. The file I copied and pasted from the forum only has 427 lines of code and the one in the video has 527 lines of code. Also my web page does not look like the one in the video, mine still has bullet points.So is this going to be a problem when I go to take my challenges?

Felix Yakubov
Felix Yakubov
17,475 Points

Hi Roger You can download the latest version here http://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/ From my experience you dont need the whole code. I dont think you will have any problems with the challenge. To remove the bullet points use


1 Answer

Colin Marshall
Colin Marshall
32,861 Points

I downloaded both the project files and the normalize.css linked under the video and both of those have 527 lines of code for the normalize file. Try downloading either of those again. I'm not sure why you would have ended up with a normalize file with only a couple lines of code. Maybe the download got cut off in the middle of it?