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iOS Swift Basics Swift Operators Working With Operators

Muhammad Sumair Dagiya
Muhammad Sumair Dagiya
4,723 Points

I have difficulty solving this problem. please help

Please someone check my code I can't figure out what is wrong with my code

// Enter your code below
let value = 200
let divisor = 5

let someOperation = 20 + 400 % 10 / 2 - 15
let anotherOperation = 52 * 27 % 200 / 2 + 5

// Task 1 - Enter your code below
let result = value%divisor

// Task 2 - Enter your code below
let isPerfectMultiple

if (result == 0){
 isPerfectMultiple = result

1 Answer

Cruz Mata
Cruz Mata
2,499 Points

You want to let the constant isPerfectMultiple to be true if the result is in fact true

So your result is the value = 200 and the divisor = 5 let result = value%divisor Which we know is 200/5 with a remainder of 0

So now knowing that the remainder is in fact a perfect multiple let us reciprocate that through the constant isPerfectMultiple

let isPerfectMultiple = result == 0

This is telling us the constant "isPerfectMultiple" is true if the result is equal to 0.

I apologize if I didn't clarify enough and I hope this helps!