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Java Java Basics Perfecting the Prototype Censoring Words - Looping Until the Value Passes

Liron Tal
Liron Tal
4,825 Points

Hi all, how do I initiate the Extra Credit exercise? Thanks!

I finished the "perfecting the prototype" and saw the Extra Credit with "Contains" and all, but how can I complete it?


4 Answers

Ken Alger
Ken Alger
Treehouse Teacher


Welcome to Treehouse!

Extra Credit exercises here at Treehouse are project extensions to complete on your own. They are not an official part of the points calculation or badge earning process.

If you complete the Extra Credit, please post your approach here in the forum so others can gain knowledge as well.


Liron Tal
Liron Tal
4,825 Points

Hi again,

I used the last exercise and did this:

String who; do { who = console.readLine("Who's there? "); } while(who.contains("banana")); console.printf("%s you glad I didn't say Banana again?", who);

Is that what I should have done?



Ken Alger
Ken Alger
Treehouse Teacher

I believe that the Extra Credit, in this case, was referring to the course code project and not the challenge. Kind of an expansion on the Censoring Words - Using Logical ORs and Censoring Words - Looping until Value Passes video.

Liron Tal
Liron Tal
4,825 Points

How do I get there? You mean the Workspace itself? Does the extra credit mean more points?



Ken Alger
Ken Alger
Treehouse Teacher

Yes, in Workspaces. No, there are no additional points for the Extra Credit, but the learning is invaluable.
