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Java Java Objects (Retired) Harnessing the Power of Objects Throwing Exceptions

Tara Edwards
Tara Edwards
6,521 Points

Am I writing the throw command wrong?

I get 'symbol missing' errors. Which symbol am I missing?

public class GoKart {
  public static final int MAX_BARS = 8;
  private String mColor;
  private int mBarsCount;

  public GoKart(String color) {
    mColor = color;
    mBarsCount = 0;

  public String getColor() {
    return mColor;

  public void drive() {

  public void drive(int laps) {
    // Other driving code omitted for clarity purposes
   int mBarsCount = mBarsCount - laps;
    if(mBarsCount < 0){
      throw IllegalArgumentException("Not enough battery remains");

  public void charge() {
    while (!isFullyCharged()) {

  public boolean isBatteryEmpty() {
    return mBarsCount == 0;

  public boolean isFullyCharged() {
    return mBarsCount == MAX_BARS;


2 Answers

Hi Tara,

That's a good attempt! There are a few things that need to be fixed.

// mBarsCount is already defined. remove the int type here
int mBarsCount = mBarsCount - laps;

// this is close, but we need to throw a 'new' error
throw IllegalArgumentException("Not enough battery remains");

// check if mBarsCount is already at zero before attempting to subtract from it
// if mBarsCount <= 0, throw error, else decrement mBarsCount


Seth Kroger
Seth Kroger
56,413 Points

throw needs an Exception object (actually a Throwable object, which Exception is a subclass of) to throw. You need to use the new keyword to create the exception you want to throw.

throw new IllegalArguemntException("message");